Clerkenwell took its name from the Clerks' Well in Farringdon Lane. A clerk, a variant of clerc, meant literate person or clergyman. In the 17th century South Clerkenwell became a fashionable place to live. Oliver Cromwell owned a house on Clerkenwell Close, and several aristocrats had houses there, most notably the Duke of Northumberland.
Over the last twenty years the former warehouses that had been built to service the West End and the City have become increasingly desirable as offices to the ever expanding media and creative sectors. Loft living and converted warehouse office space offers occupiers volume, light and more economic rents than some of its neighboring areas.

When searching for office space to let in Clerkenwell you will see various sizes and price ranges to accommodate your needs, ranging from cheap to high end offices in Clerkenwell which can both be easily found. There is long term and temporary Clerkenwell Office space so just ask any members of our team if you are unsure.
We can also assist if you are looking for a virtual office in Clerkenwell, or serviced offices. Below is our current selection of available office spaces to let in Clerkenwell or in close proximity.